The Israeli delegation is in Cairo; All sides “agree to return to the negotiating table,” Egyptian media outlet Al-Qahera News reported.

Many NGOs warn of the dangers of an attack on Rafah

“The current situation is expected to further deteriorate as Israeli forces issue “evacuate” orders to more than 100,000 civilians in parts of Rafah, and if the Israeli ground offensive in Rafah continues.” Warning, in a press release, several NGOs including Oxfam, Doctors of the Children and Save the Children.

“A ground offensive by Israeli forces in Rafah will not only increase humanitarian needs critically, but will also drive humanitarian actors out of the governorate and jeopardize the operation of the Rafah crossing at a time when a much-needed humanitarian response is already hampered,” Continue with settings.

“Responding to the massive humanitarian needs arising from a severe deterioration of this situation will be very difficult. A significant part of the humanitarian capacity, including compounds and warehouses, is located in Rafah. Therefore, a large-scale invasion of the governorate by Israeli forces would represent a significant setback for the humanitarian response, which has already been very unstable and limited for months by the operational environment. blocked. They add.

In addition, NGOs believe that Israeli promises aimed at increasing humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip have not yet been kept and can no longer be saved given the threat.

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