The killer of Robert Kennedy is in prison

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday rejected Sirhan Sirhan’s parole, although a commission showed the green light last summer.

The governor of California on Thursday rejected the parole of Sir Rohan Kennedy, the assassin of Robert Kennedy in 1968, although a special commission showed the green light last summer. Gavin Newsom noted that the 77-year-old prisoner was still being held “Threat to public safety” He refused “Must accept responsibility for this crime”, Refers to a press release from its services.

Sirhan Sirhan, now 77, was convicted on April 17, 1969, of killing John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s brother, a senator from New York. He was sentenced to death, but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1972 following the brief abolition of the death penalty in California. Last August, after fifteen denials by the California Parole Board, Sirhan approved the release of Sirhan from prison. This decision must be submitted to the Governor who has the power to deny or modify it.

“The assassination of Senator Kennedy by Mr. Sirhan is one of the worst crimes in American history.”, The governor wrote in the Newsom report. “Even after decades in prison, he has not yet rectified the shortcomings that led to the assassination of Senator Kennedy., He continues.

Palestinian immigrant Sirhan Sirhan assassinated “Bobby” Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles while the senator was campaigning for the Democratic nominee for president. Five more were injured. The assassin justified his gesture at the time with the support of Robert Kennedy to sell military aircraft to Israel. During his previous parole application in 2016, Sirhan Sirhan said he was drunk the night of the crime and wanted it. “Nothing happened”. He further added that his confession had been obtained through torture and that his confession had been obtained through torture.

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