What do the newly released emails say about the origin of SARS-CoV-2?

Did US health officials hide from the public that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from the lab at the onset of the epidemic? This is the conclusion that some people draw from a document of about ten pages Released January 11, 2022 The Republican Party has targeted Anthony Fauzi, director of the U.S. National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a key figure responsible for managing the epidemic in the United States.

“D. showing that we have posted previously unpublished emailsR. Fauci hid information about the origin of Covit-19 from Wuhan Laboratory and deliberately minimized the study of laboratory leaks. ⁇

This release comes as DR. Faucy was auditioned in the United States Senate, Criticize Republicans To promote “Crack” She made false accusations against him for months and made death threats.

What is in these documents?

The The file was published online There are nine emails received or sent by officials from the US National Institute of Health (NIH), a leading medical research organization, including geneticist Francis Collins. Most of the telecommunications that many international experts in virology, immunology and evolutionary biology met by telecommunications were in early February 2020 to discuss the possible origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

These emails have already been received Washington Post And Buzzfeed In June 2020, but some contents have been edited: they are now partially or fully transcribed. Two things stand out:

  • As many emails have already revealed, the virus “coming out” of the laboratory has been taken seriously by experts, and is sometimes thought to be more likely than zoonosis (an animal-to-human disease). “For me, it’s 70-30 or 60-40.”Written by virologist Michael Farzan on the 1stThere is February 2020.
  • The NIH insisted that the disqualification should be made through the scientific publications or communications of the World Health Organization (WHO). He reduced it to even one “The most destructive conspiracy theory”, Believe that it will be detrimental to scientific research.
Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers Origin of Kovit-19: Hypothesis of accident at Wuhan Institute of Virology revived after publication of unpublished works

What do we know about the authenticity of these emails?

They were obtained under the Right to Information Act, which forces US federal agencies to share their documents with anyone requesting them.

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