The new record in the number of pollutants is expected to peak in the coming days

Govt. Statistics on the corona virus in France are breaking records, with nearly 330,000 new cases registered on Friday, January 7, 2022. The incidence rate is 2,200 cases per 100,000 population. According to Professor Fischer, the 5th wave could reach its peak “in ten days”.

  • The latest report on Covit-19 in France recorded 328,214 new pollutants on Friday, January 7th. Thus, statistics reported by the Public Health France show that the number of new cases has increased sharply since the previous day (+ 66,733), and the average pollution continues to rise: 219,807 new patients, up from 206,091 on Friday, January 7, the previous day. In addition, the incidence rate has increased. After scoring 149 points in 24 hours, there are now 2,199 cases per 100,000 population. Detailed report should be available This page, updated daily, is dedicated to Covid figures in France.
  • Date collected in D + 3 according to SI-DEP dataOn the same day, Monday, January 3, nearly 410,000 (precisely 409,370) new positive cases were detected for Covid-19 in France.
  • Will we soon see the peak of the 5th wave of Kovit-19? According to Professor Alain Fischer, co – ordinator of the vaccination strategy based on the Institute’s pastor’s study, he estimated that the peak would be reached “within ten days” at the LCI on Friday, January 7.
  • The night curfew order was introduced in Saint-Martin from Friday, January 7, and Gov. Serge Cotteron announced that the Health Pass was compelled to try to prevent a “rapid increase in pollution” with Govt-19.
  • The controversy intensified again on Monday, January 10, with the Senate examining the vaccine pass. This Saturday, January 8, dozens of protests were announced in several cities in France against the government’s new health measures to prevent the spread of the vaccine and the spread of Covit-19. More than 40,000 people are expected today, according to the LCI.
  • The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, noted that “since Monday, January 3, 230,000 French people have received the first needle. A record since the beginning of September,” with more than 3.7 million people receiving the needle this week. More than 20,000 children under the age of 12.

And immediately

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13:23 – More than 40,000 people are expected at anti-vaccination PAS demonstrations

The controversy intensified again on Monday, January 10, with the Senate examining the vaccine pass. This Saturday, January 8, dozens of protests were announced in several cities in France against the government’s new health measures to prevent the spread of the vaccine and the spread of Covit-19. More than 40,000 people are expected today, according to the LCI.

13:08 – 56% of those who are not vaccinated represent important care combinations

As of Friday, January 7, according to figures updated by the Directorate of Research, Research, Assessment and Statistics (DREES), 8% of adults over the age of 20 who are not vaccinated, 21% of those with symptoms represent a positive PCR test, and 45% are admitted to a regular hospital. , 56% intensive care combination and 42% mortality.

12:57 – Curfew imposed on Saint-Martin

The night curfew order was introduced in Saint-Martin from Friday, January 7, and Gov. Serge Cotteron announced that the Health Pass was compelled to try to prevent a “rapid increase in pollution” with Govt-19. The curfew will be in effect from midnight to 5am for at least a month, and health passes will now be mandatory in bars and restaurants, including terraces.

12:47 – Nearly 330,000 new Govt-19 infections in 24 hours

The latest report on Covit-19 in France recorded 328,214 new pollutants on Friday, January 7th. Thus, statistics reported by the Public Health France show that the number of new cases has increased sharply since the previous day (+ 66,733), and the average pollution continues to rise: 219,807 new patients, up from 206,091 on Friday, January 7, the previous day. In addition, the incidence rate has increased. After scoring 149 points in 24 hours, there are now 2,199 cases per 100,000 population.

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According to the latest data from Public Health France released on Friday, January 7, the seven-day average has risen to more than 200,000 new cases. In the last 24 hours, 193 people have died in hospital from Govt-19. The incidence rate has increased again in the last 24 hours, now to 2,199.78 new pollutants per 100,000 population or 149.95 points higher than the previous day. Here is the detailed report:

  • 11,511,452 cases were confirmed by PCR (including nursing home), i.e. 328,214 more
  • A total of 125,206 deaths (including nursing homes), i.e. 193 deaths
  • 98,067 deaths or 193 in hospital
  • 27,139 deaths in nursing homes (not updated)
  • Currently 21,605 people have been admitted to the hospital, or 436 people
  • 3,815 are currently in intensive care, i.e. 56 more
  • 2,308 new additions to the hospital (-93) and 358 intensive care (-52)
  • 470,797 were discharged from the hospital, or 1,616
  • Test positive rate: 19.14%, or 0.50 points higher
  • Incidence rate: 2,199.78 cases / 100,000 or 149.95 points higher

According to The last epidemiological point In a statement issued on Thursday, January 6, France, the Public Health Service (SPF) said, “France is facing a significant increase in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2, which is coupled with the rapid development of the Omicron variant and the increase in new hospitals.” On average, the incidence rate is 1,908 positive cases per 100,000 population nationwide.

  • In metropolitan France, the incidence rate Corrected in the 52nd week and 1,908 new cases per 100,000 citizens (835 in W51, or + 129%), “or almost 2% of people tested positive in W52”. The incidence rate, in W52, is “at least twice that of all ages,” according to the Public Health Institute. In particular, it tripled among 70-79 year olds (771 positive cases per 100K residents, + 207% compared to W51) and 80-89 year olds (622, + 212%) compared to the previous week. It was 3,606 (+ 103%) in 20-29 year olds and 2,905 (+ 112%) in 30-39 year olds.
  • Number of new cases detected per day Also increases drastically. On average, in the W52, more than 168,000 positive cases are detected each day. The effective reproduction rate of the virus was 1.61 on January 1 (compared to 1.22 on December 25, 2021), “indicates a significant acceleration of the virus cycle”, the SPF notes. The positive rate for tests is also increasing (17.1%, 8.7% or +8.4 points on the W51).
  • The number of new hospital admissions is also increasing drastically. Admission date indicators showed 9,982 new hospitals in W52 (8,439 in W51, or + 18% compared) and 1,822 new additions intensive care services.
  • The omigran variant of the corona virus is now predominant in France. By sequencing 74% were identified in the trials, whereas in the 51st week it was only 49%.
  • Vaccination against Govt-19 is still in progress: As of January 4, 2022, at least 77.2% of the population is estimated to be vaccinated against the Covit vaccine at a single dose. 48.4% of 18-year-olds and over had, by that date, received the stimulus level (59.4% of eligible visitors). Among those 65 years of age and older, 72.9% received a booster dose (82.4% of those eligible).

Follow the evolution of the corona virus in your town using the map below. Click a field to display a list of municipalities. Find all the details in this mapping and the whole point by city and department wise Our article on the map of Covid in France.

Click on a list of cities in a department.

Since mid-October 2020, Public Health has been communicating event data (number of cases per 100,000 citizens) at the municipal level in France. At this point the figures are reported on a scale (10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100,000 population). The data are expressed in a rolling week, i.e. they are calculated on day D from tests performed 3 to 9 days ago. To access information about the corona virus in your town, enter its name Search engine Or click its field on the map below.

As a reminder, the incidence rate corresponds to the number of new cases of Govt-19 infection over a one-week period compared to the total population of a region (country, region, sector or municipality). This indicator is typically expressed in the number of cases per 100,000 citizens. The screening rate gives the total number of people tested for the corona virus during that period. It is often expressed over 100,000 citizens. Finally, the test positive ratio gives the percentage of positive tests for the corona virus compared to the total number of tests performed during that period.

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