303,669 new cases, pressure on hospitals is strong … update on corona virus

New Activities, New Reports, and Highlights: An update on the latest developments in the Govt-19 epidemic worldwide.

The situation in France

Pressure on hospital services was strong on Saturday, with more than 3,800 Govt-19 patients pursuing intensive care, according to figures from the French Ministry of Public Health. Exactly 3,821 patients were treated for the most severe forms of the disease in the intensive care unit, which received 243 patients in 24 hours. In total, 21,721 people were hospitalized with a Covit-19 diagnosis, with 1,485 new hospitals in 24 hours. As of Friday, there were 21,605 patients in hospitals and January 1, 18,811 patients.

The total number of combinations in seven days, softening the daily recession, ensures a continuous rise of key indicators. Of those admitted to the hospital, 11,536 were admitted in one week (11,053 the previous day and 10,537 on Thursday). 1,995 patients were admitted in a week (1,942 Fridays and 1,934 Thursdays).

The rate of pollution does not decrease, 303,669 new cases were registered in 24 hours. The seven-day average is up 270,000 daily cases, up from about 267,000 the previous day and 204,000 on Thursday. The disease has killed 125,349 people since the outbreak in the spring of 2020. Of those, 98,209 died at the hospital, and 143 died within 24 hours. In total, more than 53.2 million people (53,239,828) received at least one injection (i.e. 79% of the total population) and 52 million (52,004,661) had a complete immunization schedule (i.e. 77.1% of the total population). More than 28.2 million people have received the booster dose.

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The state of the world

2 million cases a day worldwide. According to AFP, more than 2 million daily Govt-19 cases were reported worldwide during the week from January 1 to 7, doubling in ten days. The number of new daily cases has increased by 270% since the discovery of the Omigron variant in Botswana and South Africa in late November 2021. Most of the new cases are currently detected in Europe (7,211,290 cases in seven days, + 47% compared to the previous week) and in the United States and Canada (4,808,098 cases, + 76%). However, current pollution is not accompanied by an increase in deaths. Over the past seven days, an average of 6,237 deaths have been reported each day worldwide, the lowest since the end of October 2020.

Iran: Death of imprisoned poet Baghdad Abdin Several human rights groups announced on Saturday that Iranian poet and filmmaker Baghdad Abdin, a critic of the Tehran regime, had died in prison after suffering from Kovit-19.

Isolation results for dozens of individuals in Hong Kong. Dozens of Hong Kong dignitaries, including the police chief and finance minister, will be released from solitary confinement after one of the two Govt-19 cases found at a party they attended was declared false positive on Saturday. Health officials in Hong Kong said about 180 people, including senior politicians and the administration, who attended the celebration, were being held in isolated camps for 21 days this week for fear that the Omigran variant could spread the disease.

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