The Pentagon: We see ‘clear evidence’ that Russia is ‘committing war crimes’

Pentagon Press Secretary John KirbyJohn Kirby Defense and National Security – Russia Sends Warnings to the West US Sends Secretly Obtained Soviet Air Defense Equipment to Ukraine: Report on US Transfer of Patriot Missiles to Saudi Arabia More On Tuesday, he said there was “clear evidence” that the Russian military was committing war crimes in the invasion of Ukraine.

“Russia is the aggressor here and I think we’ve seen here at the Pentagon — we certainly see clear evidence that the Russian military is committing war crimes,” Kirby told “Fox and Friends” on Tuesday.

We believe it is important that the investigation process continues. We will contribute to that. But it is clear, that relations with Russia are not in a high position and should not be given to the unjustified and illegal aggression of Russia against the people of Ukraine.

Kirby’s comments come after the United States condemned Russia for “war crimes” amid its war with Ukraine. The convictions represent a shift in tone for US officials, as photos and reports show, among other things, Russian attacks on civilians.

The United Nations Human Rights Office on Tuesday 2,510 civilian casualties were reported Since the start of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, including 953 dead and 1,557 wounded. However, she believes the actual numbers are “much higher”.

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The Pentagon spokesman said the United States and other countries were documenting potential evidence to help international investigators determine whether Russia committed war crimes.

Kirby declined to talk hypothetically about what will happen when those investigations are over, but said “there will be consequences for that internationally.”

“We clearly see that the Russians are — there is clear evidence that their military — are committing war crimes. We’re not ashamed of that,” Kirby said. “I mean, you can see that for yourself in the videos you guys show every day.”

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