The Scientific Council’s cautious belief in the Omigron variant

Professors Yaston Yastanpana and Bruno Lina, members of the Science Council, put forward reasons for believing in the Omicron variant on BFMTV, which is more contagious but less dangerous than the previous one.

Two approaches, but only one result. Professors Yaston Yastanpana and Bruno Lina, both members of the Scientific Council, wanted to confirm the evolution of the Kovit-19 virus and the Omigron variant.

On Sunday evening BFMTV’s first guest, Covid-19, responded to the mild isolation measures for those who are positive by saying, “We’re ahead of a variation, which, as we now know, is less intense than the previous variants: 50 to 80% less intensity“. Experiences conducted in the United Kingdom and experience of what happened in South Africa, a country where diversity has grown, allow the community to actually learn more about Omicron, which is highly contagious but less malignant than the delta.

“We face a variation of five to three days before the onset of symptoms. If we take people over the age of 12, we are dealing with a population of 90 to two doses.%. We face the elements, so we have to modify.

A virus will probably “slow down” in evolution and enter the “line of seasonal viruses”

Yet in our antenna, this Monday morning, Bruno Lina explained, the origin of the Omigran variant is “we are still in the evolution of the virus, which means it adapts to infected individuals”.

“In an environment with high collective immunity, the virus must continue to develop the potential for infection, but this evolution is clearly different from what we have seen so far because a whole series of mutations are also seen. And these mutations are very significant to the virus with changes in its biology,” he explained.

Previously, the virus led to “acute lower respiratory tract infections with severe lung forms”. Now, among those with immunity, “it causes infections in the upper respiratory tract.”

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“So we have a kind of change in the tropics of the virus, and this may be a sign of significant evolution towards a less serious, more classic virus,” he added.

While this does not exclude the appearance of new variants in any way, the virus can slow its mutations: the virus “continues to evolve, but perhaps evolves less rapidly than we have ever seen. ‘ Other corona viruses that have evolved.

On France Inter This Monday morning, Health Minister Olivier VĂ©ran expressed a similar view that “very few” patients are currently in intensive care due to Omicron, which completes the “traditional hospital beds” in large numbers. Unlike Delta, it completes the intensive care unit.

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