In the event of an invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Joe Biden promises another response from the United States and its allies.

It did not start in 2002, but Joe Biden wants not to be left out of the Ukrainian case. “President Biden has made it clear that the United States and its allies will retaliate aggressively if Russia invades Ukraine.”White House spokeswoman Zhen Zaki said in a statement after a phone call between the US president and his Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zhelensky on Sunday, January 2.

“We appreciate the unwavering support for Ukraine [de la part des Etats-Unis] ⁇, M. Zelensky wrote on Twitter. “We talked about the joint efforts of Ukraine, the United States and its partners to keep the peace in Europe and prevent the situation from deteriorating.”.

According to a White House spokesman, Biden promised J ஜெlenski about Washington’s desire to include Ukraine in its negotiations for its own future. Russia and the United States will hold talks on Ukraine in Geneva on January 9 and 10. The Russia-NATO meeting will be chaired by US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman and her Russian counterpart Sergei Rybkov on January 12, followed by a meeting within the framework of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on January 13.

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Last Friday, Joe Biden has already vowed to once again warn the Russian president against any attempt to invade Ukraine. During a phone interview the previous day: “I have made it clear to President Putin that we will accept tough sanctions and increase our presence in Europe and among our NATO allies.”. “We were clear: he can not, I repeat, he can not occupy Ukraine”, Mr. Biden insisted.

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This is the second telephone conversation between the two leaders in three weeks due to tensions around western Ukraine, where Russian troops have been mobilized on Ukraine’s eastern border.

“Relieve Tension in Donbass”

This Sunday, the US President too “Expresses support for confidence-building measures to alleviate tensions in Donbass and for serious diplomacy in the implementation of the Minsk Accords.”According to Zen Zaki. Under these agreements, Russia also agreed to carry out political reforms in Ukraine and to suspend support for pro-Russian separatist rebels under the agreements reached under France and Germany. Washington and its European allies accuse Moscow of threatening Ukraine with a new invasion and provoking a pro-Russian separatist war that erupted the same year in the east following Crimea in 2014. About 100,000 Russian troops are concentrated near the country’s border.

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As for Moscow, it wants to block NATO expansion for Russia’s security, which is seen as an existential threat, and an end to Western military operations near Russian borders, which it considers to fall within its territory.

According to the Kremlin, Mr. Putin said to himself “Satisfaction” The exchange on Thursday, about fifty minutes, confirms that new sanctions will be imposed against Moscow. “A big mistake”.

For more than a month, Russia has been accused by the West of amassing tens of thousands of troops near the Ukrainian border, in view of possible military intervention against Kiev. But on December 25th Moscow has announced that more than 10,000 Russian troops have returned to their bases after a month-long exercise in southern Russia., Near the Ukrainian border.

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Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers Tensions around Ukraine: Vladimir Putin imposes his calendar on Joe Biden

World with AFP

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