The Senate is reconsidering the bill

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21h17 : Children of Uganda, for two years They did not set foot in the classroom : This is the longest closure in the world. About 15 million students have returned to school.

21h05 : Let’s analyze the news that came this evening:

75% of striking teachers have been announced and half the schools have been closed and a massive strike in national education is planned. Opposition to the Govt administration in schools.

The stress caused by the fifth wave of Covit-19 caused 23,889 people in the hospital to suffer from Covid disease (up from 23,371 yesterday), while 3,985 patients were in intensive care (3,969 the previous day and 3,665 a week ago), according to statistics. Posted by tonight Public Health France.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted to MPs he attended a party on Downing Street in the middle of his 2020 prison term and apologized. Opposition Asks to resign.

20h11 : You waited impatiently for them: Here are the figures for the day, related Public Health France :

The The number of new confirmed cases stands at 361,719, Or a few thousand less than the previous day (368,149), but 40,000 seven days earlier

There are currently French hospitals 23,889 people are affected by Govt disease (23,371 yesterday), of which 2,806 were admitted in 24 hours. One week ago, about 20,200 Govt patients were admitted to the hospital.

The number of patients undergoing intensive care is also increasing, 3,985 patients (3,969 the previous day and 3,665 a week ago), including 381 new additions.

In 24 hours, The disease has killed 249 people, The total number of deaths since the onset of the epidemic is 126,305.

19h43 : What are the main symptoms associated with Omigran? It causes milder symptoms than the delta variant like fever. We participate in this article.

19h19 : “Omigran did not kill anyone. The man who died in the coyote already had very serious problems, especially in his lungs.”

We do not change good habits. In an interview with the “Gazette Brazil” site, Jair Bolzano did not fail to reduce the dizziness increase of the arrival of the Omigran variant. The patient he refers to is the first confirmed death of the variant in Brazil from the state of Goaz (Midwest).

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(Nelson Almeida / AFP)

19h14 : Denmark, which has been hit hard by the Omigron wave, has announced a fourth dose of anti-Govt vaccine for the most vulnerable. In France, the fourth dose “A possibility”, Announced by Olivier Véran at the end of December.

19h01 : Omigron variant “There is a dangerous virus”, He too “Causes less severe symptoms than delta (…) especially for those who have not been vaccinated”, WHO Director-General warned At a press conference. Tetros Adonom Caprese Especially pointing to dangers “Another variant emerges that is more contagious and dangerous than Omigran”.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, President of WHO, November 29, 2021 in Geneva (Switzerland) (Christopher Black / World Health Organization / AFP)(Christopher Black / World Health Organization / AFP)

18h59 : “It’s very tiring, it’s a foeFatigue associated with the gap between truth and ministerial announcements. ”

Didier Georges is also the headmaster of a high school at France Info. Explain why he is going on strike tomorrow Against the health protocol implemented in schools.

18h16 : The airlines have been permanently affected by this historic crisis, with revenue losses estimated at $ 372 billion by 2020 and $ 324 billion by 2021, according to the UN agency in Montreal.

18h15 : According to preliminary figures released by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), more than twice as many people in the world will have flown in 2021 than in 2019 in the wake of a series of Govt-19 epidemics.

18h02 : இதோ Important news headlines :

The National Education Department is scheduled to hold a one-day strike tomorrow. teachers Condemn epidemic management By the government and especially the heir Covit-19 protocols In schools.

Residents of La Réole, south of Gironde, have resigned following the height of flooding expected tomorrow. Five fields will always be orange alert in the flood: Gironde, therefore, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, Haute-Garonne and Gers.

French Team EDF Announced further delays and additional costs For the new generation EPR nuclear reactor being built in Flamanville (Manche).

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted to MPs he attended a party on Downing Street in the middle of his 2020 prison term and apologized. Opposition Asks to resign.

17h46 : Ligue 2 poster between AC Ajaccio and Auxerre, scheduled for Saturday, postponed due to Govt-19 lawsuits on Burgundy side, Announced Professional Football League. The meeting between Niort and Dunkirk was also postponed, For the same reasons.

17h21 : The arrival of the Govt-19 epidemic in France has increased tensions in the country’s hospitals, where strike movements have been following each other in recent years, especially in the emergency services. Are you a hospital caregiver? What do you lack on a daily basis to provide the best quality treatment in the hospital? How do you cheat on career and personal life? Tell us about your daily life.

16h48 : “339 people died of Govt disease yesterday alone, but we’ll not talk about it anymore … it’s not interesting anymore.” Michael Roschai, general coach at Outrow (Pass-de-Calais) and a member of the joint “du Cote de la Science”, Remind me on franceinfo In general, the mortality rate in France “1,600 to 2,000 deaths a day”, For all reasons combined. He pleads in support of closing and restricting the school.

16h10 : The rush for testing will continue. “We will be on a 27% increase this week [du nombre de tests], With an average of 12.1 million tests per week, this is unprecedented. “, Said Prime Minister Jean Costex during questions to the government in the Senate.

15h58 : Nimes Club (Ligu 2) Demands Postponement of Saturday’s Meeting Against Valencians, According to information from Free afternoon. The Daily writes that eight of the eight players and extended staff are positive for Covit-19. In addition, crocodiles no longer have a protector.

15h46 : Two convicted of over-selling 17 million renamed masks “Made in France”, in August 2020, they actually came from China. The main suspect, a former manager of Coveix (Indre), was sentenced to two years in prison and a one-year suspension. One partner was sentenced to one year rigorous imprisonment and one year suspended. The amount involved is approximately 3.5 million euros, France reports Bleu Berry.

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14h36 : Hello Certification. In fact, Oliver Warren said the recovery certificate will be accepted as part of the vaccine pass. This is a positive result of a PCR or antigen test. You can retrieve it via the SI-DEP operating system, such as negative test results, and then download it or integrate it with the QR code in the TousAntiCovid application. It is valid for eleven days to six months.

14h35 : I will try my question again. How can you avoid losing your pass on January 15 if you have not taken the third dose since you recently suffered from Govt disease? I read that you need a “certificate of re-employment”, but how to get it? Thanks in advance.

14h12 : Even if the health pass is lost, do not get the 3rd dose vaccine, bored, do not know the effect … Whatever your arguments, we want to collect them and make them heard. 20 Heures de France Newspaper 2. Contact us at alexandra.lay[@]

14h07 : Hello March. This was the subject of the questionAn article Echo, Last week. According to the Daily, about 30 million PCR and antigen tests were done last month. “Of this, 28 million has been repaid”. These would cost a billion euros for social security. In August 2021, the government planned a budget of 6 billion euros for the tests. As always Echoes.

14h07 : Hello, we talk a lot about the amount of testing that is done every day. Do we know anything about how much these tests cost and who pays for them?

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