The Taliban have banned women from traveling more than 72 kilometers

The Taliban are urging drivers to carry women in their vehicles only if they wear an “Islamic veil”.

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Additional restrictions on Afghan women. The Taliban announced on Sunday, December 26, that if women wanted to travel long distances of more than 72 kilometers, they would have to go with the male relative of their closest family. The recommendation, issued by the Ministry of Promotion of Morality and Prevention of Abuse, calls on drivers to carry women in vehicles only if they are wearing them. “Islamic Veil”.

The order comes weeks after the ministry asked that Afghan television not be aired anymore “Women in soap operas and series with Rosewater” Play, and be sure to wear female journalists “Islamic Veil” On the screen. However, this is a simple scarf, regardless of whether it is already worn by most Afghan women or a high-veil veil.

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