The tropical cyclone is located at a distance of 630 km from Patchirai Reunion.

Reunion is on alert before the hurricane this Tuesday, February 1st. The tropical cyclone is located at a distance of 630 km from Patchirai Reunion, the intensity of which is confirmed with the coordination of one eye.

Reunion is on pre-hurricane warning. The tropical cyclone is 630 km from Patsyroy Reunion. It stabilizes by accelerating a movement in a common southwesterly direction.

An intensity

The intensity that started at the end of the night is confirmed by coordinating one eye in the morning. The tropical cyclone Patchirai is moving in a west-southwesterly direction at a speed of 19 km per hour.

The system has a maximum wind speed of 150 km / h and a top speed of 205 km / h. The tropical cyclone Patsyroy is now approaching Mauritius and Reunion a little more directly.

Re-intensification is expected (up to the level of a severe hurricane) as well as the hurricane’s influence zone will expand significantly.

The eye of the storm is integrated

Météo France Réunion estimates that “there is a possibility of becoming a more dangerous organization (a powerful organization with a large area associated with significant impacts) when roaming near the Batsirai Islands”.

Near Jupiter Reunion

It will pass through the north / north-west of Mauritius on Wednesday and then north / north-west of the Reunion, perhaps on Thursday afternoon, at a considerable distance.

Considering the uncertainty about the status of the system during this period, Météo France expects a route of more than 200 km (approximately 170 km to Mauritius) more or less 100 km.

The deterioration of conditions should start on Tuesday evening for Mauritius and Tuesday evening for Reunion, but it depends on the final path.

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What path?

“If the current situation is maintained, the extreme conditions prevailing in the heart of the organization should not be a direct concern for the Sister Islands, however, a close path that conditions can not be ruled out at present can provoke a very significant deterioration,” he said. Meteo France refers to the Reunion.

Therefore, residents of Mauritius and Rனunion are strongly invited to stay tuned for more information on the evolution of the environment and in view of worsening weather.

By the end of the week, Patsyroy should have access to Madagascar’s east coast, with the potential for direct impacts on the Greater Middle East being at an even more dangerous stage.

Here are the predicted intensities and conditions of this low pressure system over the next few days:

Hurricane tropical,
Center 02/02 at 4pm local time, 18.5 South / 57.0 East.

Tropical intensity of hurricane,
Center 03/02 at 4pm local time, 19.2 South / 54.0 East.

Tropical intensity of hurricane,
Center 04/02 at 4pm local time, 19.0 South / 51.7 East.

Tropical intensity of hurricane,
Center 05/02 at 4pm local time, 19.4 South / 49.3 East.

Depression on earth,
Center 06/02 at 4pm local time, 20.6 South / 44.8 East

Another questionable area

Also, the Météo France Réunion notes that there is a suspicious area and that there is a risk of another moderate tropical storm developing over the next 5 days.

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