War in Ukraine: Putin tells Macron that he will achieve his goals ‘either through negotiations or through war’

The tone has changed. French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone again with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the French president announced Sunday, according to Kiev. Russian troops will shell the port of Odessa. The call lasted until 1.45pm at the initiative of the French president.

During his exchange with Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron specifically emphasized in Mariupol that “international humanitarian law must be fully respected, public safety must be regulated and humanitarian access allowed.” In response, Putin denied that his army “targeted civilians” and explained that it was “the responsibility of the Ukrainians to evacuate the besieged cities”.

During the exchange, Putin “recalled his four demands”: “denunciation”, including recognition of Russian Crimea and recognition of the independence of Donbass, according to Elysee. He noted that these objectives could be achieved “either through negotiations or through war.” The Russian president has vowed that attacking nuclear power plants is “not his intention.” Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to meet with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky in the evening.

Macron multiplies phone calls with his colleagues

The French head of state is already there Several telephone conversations with Vladimir Putin Since the start of the Russian offensive against Ukraine on February 24. Then Thursday callEmmanuel Macron had assessed that the “worst situation” in the Ukrainian conflict had not yet arrived.

The French presidential office on Sunday reported a telephone conversation between Emmanuel Macron and his Serbian envoy Alexander Vuci. Emmanuel Macron “welcomed the close cooperation between France and Serbia and the clarity of its position in the international community on the war in Ukraine and the need for respect for the sovereignty of the states,” the Elysee said in a statement.

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Emmanuel Macron called the conflict “an opportunity for European reconciliation” and said that “the EU and all countries close to it, especially the recognized EU member states such as Serbia, must examine together to further strengthen their ties and create a common future for all Europeans”.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky on Sunday called for the delivery of warplanes to his Western allies. The United States said Sunday it was “actively working” on a deal with Poland to ship the equipment.

“Responding to Humanitarian Concerns”

At the same time, the Turkish Presidency announced Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke on the phone with Vladimir Putin on Sunday And called for an “emergency general ceasefire” in Ukraine. “An emergency and general ceasefire will make it possible to seek a political solution and respond to humanitarian concerns,” he said. He also called for the “urgent” opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine. The Turkish presidential office called on its Russian ally, “Together we will pave the way for peace.”

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“Ankara is ready to make its contribution to all forms of peaceful resolution of the issue,” he added. According to the official Turkish media, the telephone conversation between the two presidents lasted about an hour.

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