At Donald Trump’s trial, his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, accused him

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen is expected to be a key witness this Monday, May 13, in the prosecution of the former President of the United States for alleged payments to a porn star.

Donald Trump knew he was paid to cover up “disastrous” sex scandals during the 2016 presidential campaign, his former lawyer Michael Cohen alleged Monday, during shocking testimony at the former US president’s trial in New York.

A man who was loyal to Donald Trump but has now sworn to his downfall said during a tense trial in a Manhattan criminal courtroom that he had lied, threatened and made threats on behalf of his former employer. At the heart of the matter: hidden money for porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016.

At first nervous, Michael Cohen, 57, recounted the steps that led him to pay $130,000 through a shell company account to actress and porn director Stephanie Clifford.

According to this former attorney’s sworn account, candidate Donald Trump gave the green light to pay Stormy Daniels and promised to pay her back: “Sure, do it” and “don’t worry, you’ll get your money back,” Michael said. Cohen, citing the former president, shortly before the November 2016 presidential election.

“Girls Hate Me”

Donald Trump, about to face Hillary Clinton, told her about extramarital affairs: “It’s a disaster (…) women are going to hate me.”

Regarding this “catch-and-kill” process of buying stories by the tabloids, Michael Cohen said, “(…) he asked me to work with (one of the tabloids at the time a newspaper boss, David Becker) to “kill” the newspapers.

Michael Cohen’s testimony, which continues Tuesday after Stormy Daniels gave eight hours last week of a raw account of a sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006 — which she denies — is a key moment in this historic trial on a hot political issue. .

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At 77, the Republican nominee for the White House faces the first criminal conviction — possibly prison — of a former president in U.S. history.

That won’t stop him from running against Democratic incumbent Joe Biden on November 5, 2024.

“ok mom”

Did the ex-lawyer, who didn’t deny Donald Trump’s nickname of “Pitbull” at the time, already “lied” and “threatened” to protect his former boss?

“Yes ma’am” the lawyer. “This is what needs to be done to get the job done,” he reasoned.

Donald Trump was impassive, listening to his former ally and at times slumping slightly in his chair. The two, who had a stubborn hatred for each other, barely exchanged a glance.

Michael Cohen accused Donald Trump of knowing he paid Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Donald Trump reportedly asked him to “definitely” not “get out” of the story. The jury was again able to hear an audio recording of a private conversation where the two discussed paying Karen McDougall.

“Legal Costs”

After Michael Cohen himself paid Stormy Daniels $130,000, Donald Trump repaid her in 2017 when he was president. According to the lawsuit, it was hidden as “legal fees” in the accounts of the Trump Organization, the family’s real estate company. Purpose: To cover up money used to cover up this scandal since Donald Trump married Melania in 2006.

The billionaire has been charged with 34 counts of accounting falsification, which could theoretically land him in prison. When the Wall Street Journal revealed the affair in 2018, Michael Cohen said he paid Stormy Daniels on his own initiative without informing Donald Trump.

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The man in the grip of the law, who once boasted that he was “ready to take a bullet for Donald Trump,” has turned against him, saying he was acting on his orders.

He pleaded guilty in 2018 to tax evasion, making false statements to Congress and violating campaign finance laws, the latter related to direct payments to Stormy Daniels. Sentenced to three years in prison, he spent one year in jail.

The former lawyer is expected to be subjected to a barrage of questions from the defense on Tuesday, who have portrayed him as a pathological liar.

Jeanne Bulant with AFP Journalist BFMTV

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