In Madrid, the European far right is once again showing its divisions

Joint declaration signed in Warsaw on December 4, 2021, two months after their last meeting, and six months later in July 2021. “The first stone” Of one “Grand Alliance in the European Parliament”, European sovereign and far-right parties met again this Saturday, January 29, in Madrid. Divided into a little less and a little more in number.

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During this new “summit” of “defending Europe” hosted by Vox, Spain’s ultra-nationalist party, Hungarian prime ministers Victor Orban and Poland’s Mathews Moravici, the leader of the National Rally, traveled. Le Pen, or even the leaders of the Austrian FPÖ and Flemish Vlams Belong. In all, eleven party leaders, including Italian MEPs from the League and the Fratelli d’Italia (neo-fascists), were added. Warsaw and Budapest are at the center of the debate as threats of EU sanctions hang over them or they emerge from the Ukrainian crisis.

“We condemn Brussels’ politically motivated attacks on Poland and Hungary, which show a complete disregard for EU basic principles and a breach of the spirit of the treaty.”If these countries do not respect the principles of the law, can you read in the final joint declaration about the EU’s threat to block the funding of the EU recovery plan? “We must cooperate and join forces to protect Europe from the ideologies imposed on it and the anti-democratic slide that leads to its loss.”The text continues.

On Thursday, January 20, the social administrator announced that he had requested the Mateusz Morawiecki government to pay a fine of 69 million euros for failing to put an end to the activities of the Supreme Court’s regulatory chamber, as requested by the court. EU Judge, July 14, 2021. “The decisions taken by the European authorities against Poland and Hungary must mobilize all our energy and our anger. M addedMe Le Pen in front of the press. Today they are. Tomorrow it may be us. ⁇

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“The most important question” for Ukraine, Orban

On the other hand, she did not want to sign the passage referring to the Ukrainian crisis. “Russia’s military operations on Europe’s eastern border have brought us to the brink of war.”Finished the paragraph in question, Read Vox MEP George Buxday. ” In the face of such threats, unity, stability and security cooperation among European nations are needed. ” And facing “The ineffectiveness of union diplomacy”, Continued the speech.

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