Sixty jihadists were killed in Burkina Faso

“The aim was to search for terrorists in their hideouts,” said a French military general who described the results as “very good”. Sixty jihadists were killed during an operation led by Burkina Faso forces in northern Burkina Faso. With the help of French units through Operation Burgundy, the French military generals announced on Sunday.

“In 4 cases, between January 16 and 23, 2022, different groups of terrorists were detected, identified and neutralized by Burkina Faso forces and burgundy units,” the staff explained.

Burkina Faso forces return to jihadi land

Twenty motorcycles and several armed pick-ups were destroyed in the operation, “airstrikes by Barclays forces, led by Burkina Faso units,” army civil servants explained in a statement.

We continue the fight against terrorism in collaboration with our partners, the Burkina Faso Armed Forces, who carried out these operations with “very positive” results.

According to the military, Burkina Faso forces could “return” to these “transport and refuge areas” for jihadi groups that have not been active for a long time.

Shortly before the military coup

These military victories came shortly before the January 24 military coup, during which President Roche Marc Christian Cabore was placed under house arrest and other officers were arrested.

In his first speech since seizing power on Monday evening, Burkina’s new strong Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Santoko Tamiba announced on national television that his country needed its allies “more than ever.”

He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture, and that his confession had been obtained through torture. Be more “sure”.

Country affected by security crisis since 2015

People in particular have criticized Rochemark Christian Cabore for not succeeding in preventing security degradation since 2015, especially in the north and east of the country.

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Following Mali and Niger, Burkina Faso is embroiled in a cycle of violence led by armed jihadist groups affiliated with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group to flee their homes.

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