Live – Kiev is surrounded by: Follow the news of the war in Ukraine

France assured President Jelensky Le Trian that France was “ready to help if needed.”

Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian assured France Inter that the president’s “security” was the “central element” of what is happening in Ukraine today:

“We are in a position to help him if needed, but it is important that he takes his place. I was struck by President Zhellensky’s coolness, mastery of his words and the way he addressed his people,” the minister said. .

When asked about the possibility of ousting the Ukrainian president, Jean-Yves Le Trian assures us that “France will make the decisions that need to be made.”

“Putin has chosen to remove Ukraine from the map of the states,” said Jean-Yves Le Trian.

This Friday, the guest of France Inter, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian returned to the situation in Ukraine. Through his desire to invade the country, he realized that “Putin has decided to remove Ukraine from the map of the states.”

“The war is over,” the minister said. “President Putin has chosen a massive offensive war to remove Ukraine from the map of the states, and he is carrying out his attacks smoothly, mechanically and with great vigor.

Jean-Yves Le Drian recalled that Ukraine should submit that “the Donbass affair is only an excuse”.

London condemns “barbaric” and “unjustified” attack on Ukraine

Head of British Diplomacy Liz Truss Friday condemned the “barbaric” and “unjustified” attack by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine in the wake of the early morning missile attack on the capital, Kiev.

In a tweet, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba expressed his “solidarity” with the people of Ukraine.

“Putin’s attack on Ukraine is barbaric, unnecessary and shows utter indifference to human life,” he tweeted. The day after London announced new sanctions against Russia, he added, “We will hold Putin accountable and stand firm in our support.”

“We provided military equipment”: Florence Barley promises other supplies to Ukraine “very soon”

Although Ukraine has said in its president’s words that it will face the Russian invasion “alone”, the assistance of European countries is being closely monitored. Asked about the RTL, Armed Forces Minister Florence Barley assured that “we have provided military equipment” and that other requests are currently under consideration:

“We do not provide military equipment as we provide humanitarian assistance. These are equipment subject to the rules,” the minister recalled, assuring them that “we take into account the particularly serious situation.”

In the face of possible Russian retaliation during aid to Ukraine, Florence Barley assures us that “our arms export policy has never been subject to Russia’s decisions and preferences.”

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“We have not declared war on Russia,” Florence Barley promised

The question was raised In RTL’s microphone Commenting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and France’s approach to NATO’s possible military intervention, Armed Forces Minister Florence Barley promised not to “declare war on Russia.”

“I do not think there is a desire in Europe or the United States to go to war against Russia. We want an end to this invasion,” the minister explained. A “broader” invasion, he says, “is more ambitious than simply connecting territories across borders.”

Thus, unarmed, Florence Barley confirms that the goal is to “end this unacceptable violence and get a ceasefire as soon as possible.”

In Russia, public opinion was divided over the invasion of Ukraine

What do Russian citizens think about their leader’s invasion of Ukraine yesterday? Our special envoy to Moscow, Jeremy, noted that the war in Ukraine was divisive. Some show their support for their leader’s attack:

“These citizens who support this war explain to us that this is not a war against the Ukrainian people, but a war against the” Nazi regime “in Kiev: the Russian president uses the same rhetoric during his declaration of war,” explains our Special Correspondent. .

Others look west and fear conflict:

“Will there be a war against NATO on Russian soil? Concerns abound.”

Jérémie Paire recalled that residents of Moscow went to Pouchkine Square at 7pm yesterday to protest against the war in Ukraine, as in other cities across Europe.

Most of the youth have decided to break the ban on protests by saying “no to war”. Our correspondent says he witnessed “dozens of arrests” of these protesters by police.

Zhelensky says Russia should talk to Ukraine ‘sooner or later’ to end the fighting.

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky said Russia should talk to Ukraine “sooner or later” to end the war.

“Russia should talk to us sooner or later. Talk about how to end the fighting and stop the invasion. The sooner this dialogue starts, the smaller the loss to Russia,” the official said. Directs on video.

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The Ukrainian president says Russian forces are also targeting civilian areas

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky spoke again yesterday about the situation in the country facing the first Russian invasion.

He added that in addition to the many strategic military points already being attacked across the country, Russian military forces were currently targeting civilian areas.

“Last night they started bombing civilian neighborhoods. It reminds us of 1941 (Nazi attack),” Volodymyr Zhelensky said in a video posted on social media, speaking to citizens in Russian.

Russian officials have repeatedly said in Ukrainian that “civilian areas are not targets, but theirs is another lie. In fact, they make no difference.”

The leader also said that the Ukrainian forces were “doing everything possible” to defend the country and praised their “heroism”.

Ukrainians between the ages of 18 and 60 can no longer leave the country

Following the announcement of a general mobilization to thwart the Russian invasion, Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 were not allowed to leave the country.

They will not be allowed to cross the country’s border, the head of Liv’s Customs announced in a message on Facebook.

‘Bomb blast all night, we could not sleep’: French foreigner describes night violence in Kiev

Horror night. Mohamed ElBrahmin is a French engineer in Kiev. Like those living in the Ukrainian capital, he spent the night listening to Russian shelling:

“The bombings all night, we could not sleep, it was violent. I saw the bombings from my window and what was happening was horrible,” he testified on BFMTV, reporting the “very dangerous situation.”

The French foreigner explains that there is not enough security and he is trying to leave his apartment to reach a shelter.

“It’s a terrible worry, we tell ourselves it will happen at any moment. We expect the worst, every second it falls on us, we are handed over to our destiny,” says Mohamed Elbrahmin.

He was injured in a shelling attack overnight in Kiev for 3 months

Sirens sounded at dawn in Kiev. The capital of Ukraine has been targeted by new bombings. According to Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, at least three people were injured in the attack, and one is in critical condition.

“According to preliminary data, three people were injured and one of them is in critical condition. As a result of the rocket crash in a residential building on 7-A, Kozis Street, ambulances take people to the hospital” All emergency services work on site. The building is on fire and there is a threat of destruction “, He announced on Twitter

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Macron announced that he was accelerating the deployment of French troops in Romania

President Emmanuel Macron spoke late into the night at the conclusion of an exceptional EU summit in Brussels from Thursday to Friday. He noted that France would expedite the deployment of troops in Romania within NATO’s framework in response to the Russian military’s invasion of Ukraine.

“France will continue to fully fulfill its role of assuring NATO allies by sending a new delegation to Estonia into the advanced forward presence, with a view to participating in the Baltic Sky patrols from March and expediting deployment in Romania.” French President.

Ukraine condemns Russian missile strike on Kiev this Friday morning

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy condemned the Russian missiles that struck Kiev at dawn on Friday, injuring at least three people, the day after the Russian invasion of the country began.

“Terrible Russian missile attack on Kiev. The last time our capital was hit by such an incident was in 1941 by Nazi Germany. Ukraine has defeated this monster and will defeat an -ci,” Dmitro Coleba said in a statement. His Twitter account.

Zhelensky ordered a general mobilization and regrets that Ukraine was “left alone”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky spoke on Thursday evening and announced a general military mobilization to counter the Russian invasion of the country, which began the same morning, according to an order issued on the Ukrainian presidential website.

According to the text, the measure applies to those subject to “military compulsion and reservation” and within 90 days in all Ukrainian regions.

The leader lamented that Kiev had “left him alone” in the face of the Russian military.

“Who is ready to fight with us? I do not see anyone. Who is ready to offer NATO membership guarantees to Ukraine? Everyone is afraid,” he denounced in a video address posted on the account of the President of Ukraine.

Good morning everyone

Welcome to this live dedicated to monitoring the situation in Ukraine.

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