Live – War in Ukraine: A ceasefire is underway in Mariupol and civilian evictions will begin

Secretary of State responsible for the digital “fears” of Russian cyber attacks in France

When questioned at France Info this Saturday, Secretary of State for Digital Cedric O’Brien announced that France and other European countries had increased their alert levels in the face of Russian cyber-attacks.

“There are cyber attacks in Ukraine. In other parts of the European continent, it is always a fear. We have increased the level of alert,” he declares.

Cedric O qualifies, however, that these types of attacks are currently “limited”.

“The only example we see at the moment is the problem affecting the satellite operator, which serves a few thousand French people for satellite connection. A certain number of modems do not work,” he continues.

The French defense chief met with his Russian envoy

He announced in a tweet that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces had spoken with his Russian representative on Friday evening.

Among the topics discussed was the situation in Sahel and Eastern Europe, “especially in the war in Ukraine”, General Burkard writes in a tweet.

Public evacuations in Mariupol will begin at 11 a.m. (local time).

Once the temporary Russian ceasefire is established, civilians will begin evacuating to Mariupol at 11 a.m. (local time) or 10 a.m. to Paris.

“The evacuation of civilians will begin at 11 a.m. (9 p.m. GMT),” the town hall said following a ceasefire agreement with Russia.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced this Saturday that it would build humanitarian corridors so people could leave the city, which is located in the east of the country.

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Emmanuel Macron said he was “more concerned” about “nuclear safety”.

On Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron said he was “deeply concerned” about nuclear security “as a result of the Russian invasion” and would propose concrete measures in the coming hours (…) to ensure the security of Ukrainian power.

“Russia and Ukraine must reach an agreement on the basis of these plans,” the French president added in a statement, “as a result of IAEA standards” to ensure the security of these sites together.

Update the situation at 8:30 p.m.

Announced a ceasefire in the city of Mariupol in the east of Moscow. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on Saturday a ceasefire to evacuate civilians. From Friday to Saturday night, the mayor of the Ukrainian city said there was a “siege” on the port and that “ruthless” attacks were taking place.

On Monday the UN. New meeting of the Security Council. Diplomatic sources announced that at the request of the United States and Albania, 15 members of the Council would convene an emergency meeting ten days ago to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine will address the US Senate on Saturday. Volodymyr Zelensky, who addressed the elected officials via video conference, on Friday appealed to NATO to establish a no-fly zone in his country. His American counterpart Joe Biden is currently unable to cross a red line.

British journalists opened fire near Kiev on Monday. A report aired on Friday showed that a group of British Sky News media personnel had been ambushed on Monday. Two crew members were attacked, but were rescued by their bulletproof vests.

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Rallies in France in support of Ukraine this weekend. From Paris to Grenoble via Rennes and Cannes, many demonstrations in support of the Ukrainian people will take place in France on Saturdays and Sundays. Appointments can be found here.

Russian ceasefire and humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians in Mariupol

Russia on Saturday announced a ceasefire that would allow civilians to be evacuated from two cities in eastern Ukraine, including the strategic port of Mariupol, under siege, following consultations between representatives of Kiev and Moscow.

The Russian Defense Ministry quoted Russian news agencies as saying that the GMT had been “declaring a silent regime (arms) on the Russian side and opening humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians from Mariupol and Volnovoka” since 7am.

The UN Security Council convenes urgently on Monday

At the request of the United States and Albania, embassy sources announced on Friday that the UN Security Council would meet urgently at 3pm (8pm GMT) on Monday in the wake of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion.

Following the general session, consultations will continue behind closed doors between the 15 members of the Security Council, and this time at the request of Mexico and France, an ambassador told the AFP that there would be no referendum on the initiative of a draft resolution. Anonymity.

A “siege” and a series of attacks on the port of Mariupol

The strategic port of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine is under siege and “ruthless” attacks by the Russian military, and the mayor on Saturday called for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor.

“Now we are looking for solutions to humanitarian problems and all avenues to get Mariupol out of the siege,” he said in a telegram to the townhall’s town hall, which has a population of about 450,000. On the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov.

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Good morning everyone

Welcome to this live broadcast from dedicated to the tenth day of the war in Ukraine.

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