Live – War in Ukraine: The international community in shock after the Kramadorsk massacre

The UN says more than 4.4 million Ukrainians have fled the country since the war began.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 4.4 million Ukrainian refugees have fled the country since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the occupation on February 24.

The UNHCR counted exactly 4,441,663 Ukrainian refugees on Saturday. These are 59.347 higher than the previous score on Friday. No such refugees were seen coming to Europe after World War II.

90% of those who left Ukraine were women and children.

Moscow accuses Youtube of blocking the account of a Russian parliamentary channel

Russian officials on Saturday accused the Russian video channel of blocking the Russian parliament channel’s account, promising retaliation, raising fears that it would block the service on Russian soil.

Duma Speaker Vyasaslav Volodin has condemned Washington’s move to violate the “rights” of Russians, saying the Youtube channel “Douma-TV”, the lower house of the Russian parliament, has been blocked.

“The United States wants to have a monopoly on the dissemination of information,” he said in a telegram. “We can not allow this.”

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Two paintings from the Morozov collection, including a Russian oligarch, will be in France

Exhibited in Paris since September as part of an exhibition organized by the Louis Vuitton Foundation, the Ministry of Culture has announced that two paintings from the Morozov collection will be in France.

The first was “the Russian oligarchy, which owns it, will remain in France as long as the property is subject to freezing action,” we told Rue de Volois.

The second is owned by the Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts in Dnipropetrovsk. “He will remain in France until the situation in the country allows him to return safely.”

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Application for EU membership: Kyiv expects to receive candidate country status by June

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanichina has tweeted that Kiev expects EU candidate status by June.

“We have already done a lot of work, so we are ready to move fast. We expect to achieve candidate status in June. This is part of our victory against the Russian occupier who wants to reverse the democratic path taken by Ukraine,” he wrote on Twitter.

On Friday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who visited Kyiv, presented a questionnaire to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seeking to apply for membership in the European Union.

Russia has restructured its military command in Ukraine

Western official source The BBC revealed Russia has restructured its military chain in Ukraine. General Alexander Dvornikov is now leading the invasion.

“This commander has a lot of experience during Russian operations in Syria, so we expect to see improvement in command and control of the troops,” the source told the British media.

On the 45th day of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia failed to achieve its main military objectives. After attempting to capture the capital, Kyiv, Russian troops are now concentrating their operations on the Donbass.

Pictures of a maternity hospital in disaster in the Boutcha district

According to images obtained by BFMTV, a maternity hospital in the Boutcha district was the target of a serious Russian bombing.

The maternity ward was attacked while the patients were inside. It is located in the Boutcha district, where streets full of corpses and mass graves were discovered last weekend.

The Russian army has withdrawn from this area, which is located in the suburbs near Kiev. Moscow is now concentrating its attacks on the Donbass.

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The Luhansk regional governor has called for further evictions

Serhiy Haïdaï, governor of the Luhansk region, called on the Russian military to intensify its military operations in the region.

The Luhansk region is located in the Donbass, which today is the main military base of the Russian army.

“The Russians are gathering troops for an attack, and we are seeing an increase in bombings,” Sergei Haitai said in a television interview.

About 30% of the area’s population has not yet been evicted.

Update situation at 9am.

Zhelensky called for a “firm global response” after the attack on Gramadorsk. The Ukrainian president spoke on Facebook of his desire to bring to justice the attack that killed at least 52 people Friday at a train station in the city, located in Donbass.

10 Humanitarian Corridors will open this Saturday. The Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine said that one of the 10 open corridors aimed at evacuating civilians from the besieged areas should be evacuated from Mariupol.

It is expected to strengthen Russian operations in eastern and southern Ukraine. British intelligence expects Russian offensive around Donbass to intensify. Russian forces have now seen their plans thwarted by Ukrainian opposition.

176 Ukrainian children have died since the war began. The information was shared by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry on Saturday. The report said 324 children had been injured so far since the attack began.

10 Humanitarian Corridors will open this Saturday

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vareshchuk said on Saturday that 10 humanitarian corridors would be opened with the aim of evacuating civilians from the besieged Ukrainian regions.

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One of these corridors is about Mariupol, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, which has been besieged since the first days of the Russian military offensive.

British intelligence expects increased Russian military operations in southern and eastern Ukraine

In a new bulletin released on Twitter this Saturday, British intelligence services pointed out that Russian military operations are now focusing on the Donbass and Mariupol and Mykolaiv.

These measures are supported by the “continuous firing of ship missiles on Ukraine by the Russian navy”. London expects Russian aviation operations to intensify in the south and east of Ukraine.

“However, Russian aspirations to establish a land route between Crimea and Donbass continue to be thwarted by Ukrainian opposition,” the statement said.

Kyiv says 176 Ukrainian children have died so far since the war began

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry said in a statement on Twitter this morning that 176 children had been killed so far since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A further 324 children were injured.

Volodymyr Zhelensky called for a “strong global response” after the attack on the Gramadorsk station.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about the Russian offensive that killed at least 52 people at the Kramatorsk station overnight from Friday to Saturday.

“Like the Boutcha massacre, like many other Russian war crimes, the missile that struck Kramatorsk must be brought before a court of law, and that must happen,” he said.

He called for a “strong global response” after this new drama.

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