Pro-Palestinian camp at American University in Boston evicted, 100 arrested

Northeastern University administration said “anti-Semitic insults” were uttered during the overnight occupation of the site from Saturday to Sunday.



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Police officers monitor a pro-Palestinian camp in Boston (Massachusetts, United States) on April 25, 2024.  (ANIBAL MARTEL/ANADOLU/AFP)

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to rock America. About 100 people believed to be pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Saturday April 27 on the campus of Northeastern University in Boston. Their camp was evacuated by the police who intervened in the riots.

“Students Released After Showing Their Northeastern U. Cards”when “Those who refused to prove their relationship were arrested“, the university noted. “Violent Anti-Semitic Insults” as “Kill the Jews” The company said it was pronounced on campus last night. “What started as a student protest two days ago has been infiltrated by professional organizers who have no connection to Northeastern U.”she lamented.

For its part, last week the presidency of New York's Columbia University, the epicenter of an angry pro-Palestinian student movement, announced it had abandoned the forced eviction of a camp set up on its campus.

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