The director of Days Gone blames the reviewers and programmers for the critical reception

Days passed It has become a cherished title among PlayStation fans, perhaps in part due to the slightly harsh reception from critics. It is important to remember that the undead open world was Start Swipe: It has attracted a respectable 71 Metacriticand we Giving it a 7/10 on this very site. By our measure, it’s a good game.

But the podium stand Sony decided not to develop a sequelAllegedly, soft critical reception was a contributing factor. Perhaps still feeling the burn from the score, Bend Studio veteran John Garvin resorted to it Twitter To share his thoughts on the underrated comments for the title. in a series of Tweetscited technical issues and “woke reviewers” as the reason for the less-than-stellar scores.

The series of tweets started with a A fan posts a picture of the Metacritic game scoreand noted that they liked the title. Innocent enough. Bend Studio Community Manager Kevin McAllister interrupted The PC version’s track record is betterprompting Garvin to chime in.

He saidThe crazy thing is, nothing has changed [game director Jeff Ross] And you are responsible for. Gameplay, missions and story. All that has changed is that the code has been cleaned up. So, I think bugs, streaming, and frame rate. It’s funny that Jeff and I are the ones who left. huh.”

Garvin and Ross both left Studio Bend in the aftermath of Days Gone, but casting programmers under a Harley-Davidson graphic persona doesn’t sound particularly professional from an industry veteran. Garvin went on to explain why he thought the game wasn’t as revised as it originally could have been, citing technical issues, reviewers who didn’t finish the game, and “woke reviewers who couldn’t handle the gruff, ass-looking white biker he dated” .

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It’s true that Days Gone required several patches to get it up to scratch, and that was reflected in many reviews. Personally, we didn’t have it very Several performance issues at launch, and we mainly criticized it for its cookie-cutter design – even if we did Have fun at the end (and recommend) open-world comfort food.

Whatever your feelings on Days Gone, we can all agree that ranting like this on social media is rarely a good idea.

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