Trump's Former Vice President Mike Pence Announces He Won't Endorse Billionaire For Second Term – Liberation

The 64-year-old Republican has made it known that he cannot “conscientiously” endorse the billionaire candidate for the US presidential election in November, calling into question his ability to unite beyond his loyalists.

Strong support is very rare. Donald Trump's former Vice President Mike Pence announced on Friday, November 16 that he would not be endorsing the billionaire for a second term. It's enough to raise new questions about the Republican Party's ability to rally his political family. Donald Trump, never one to miss an opportunity to criticize his former vice president, did not immediately react.

“It won't surprise you, I'm not going to support Donald Trump this year.” Mike Pence, 64, said during an interview with Fox News. With this announcement, the Republican Party created a surprise and broke a historical tradition. And to drive the point home: “In conscience, I cannot support Donald Trump in this campaign.” Pence accused her former boss of propositioning her “A plan is inconsistent with a conservative plan […] Implemented for four years.

Unwavering loyalty

Mike Pence, a staunch opponent of abortion, helped Donald Trump win over the religious right by being his running mate during the 2016 presidential campaign, but after years of unwavering loyalty, he changed tack after an attack on the Capitol that shook American democracy. January 6, 2021.

That day, Mike Pence, as vice president, presided over a session of Congress where elected officials had to certify Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election, insisting that Donald Trump be his vice president, even though he had only a ceremonial role. The Democratic Party refuses to verify the election. The former governor of Indiana did not comply, which caused him strong enmity among the billionaire's supporters. Forced into the Capitol, some called “hang” Mike Pence needs to hide urgently.

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Since then, he has ruled that the words of the President of the United States “irresponsible” And was “Danger”. In June 2023, Mike Pence ran against him in the Republican primaries. But due to lack of support, he had to throw in the towel before the first ballot.

Moderate voices are essential to success

Mike Pence's announcement sent shock waves through the party, fueling speculation about the former businessman's ability to woo Republicans beyond his most loyal base of supporters. A few days before this report, Donald Trump's primary rival, Nikki Haley, refused to endorse the Republican nomination against Joe Biden. Throwing in the towel on March 6, the former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under Trump estimated that the volatile septuagenarian had to do. “Worthy of Votes” What she got in the primaries were more moderate voters.

Donald Trump has certainly scored many victories in the race for the Republican nomination, but his victory in the election has also exposed the former president's vulnerabilities, which could complicate his recapture of the White House.

Surrounded by the investigations, Donald Trump could see his support erode among moderate Republicans and independents — vital votes if he wants to win against Democratic President Joe Biden in November.

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