War in Ukraine: To punish undisciplined Russian soldiers, their officers put them in pits

While the Russian military continues to stall in Ukraine, now fearing a counter-attack, the troop’s oversight of its soldiers seems increasingly strict.

Of course, Moscow denies it. Nevertheless, according to British intelligence, Russian military officials are no longer allowing their unruly soldiers and have stepped up sanctions in recent months, the Belga news agency reported.

As such, the British Ministry of Defense has confirmed that these Russian soldiers will be locked in pits covered with metal grids as punishment. A rule specifically reserved for soldiers caught drunk or wanting to leave the army.

Acquired by Valery Kurasimov

“During the first months of the war, the Russian authorities were relatively flexible in discipline, and they gradually allowed those who refused to mobilize to return home”, explains the British ministry in particular, claiming to believe “numerous” reports of Russians fighting. But “since the fall of 2022, discipline has been applied more strictly, especially since Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov assumed command in January 2023,” London explains again.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the British ministry has provided daily information on the development of the conflict, thanks in particular to its intelligence service. For the Kremlin, these claims are disinformation from the West.

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