Joe Biden was disarmed after a week of disappointment

Dark week for Joe Biden. Faced with provocations from North Korea and Russia, slide in inflation, Parliamentary shipwreck Of a major electoral reform, Joe Biden on Friday praised one of the rare victories for his presidency, namely a major infrastructure project.

“There’s a lot of talk about the frustration of things we can not do, and I can say we can do a lot of it, but we did it,” said Joe Biden at the White House, rolling pictures of more or less dilapidated bridges behind him.

What the Democrats did was vote for a $ 1.2 trillion investment in roads, bridges, and the Internet, a historic amount that even benefited from the support of some Republican lawmakers. But the reminder of this undeniable victory contains something almost terrible. When the speech was approved with great fanfare on November 15, Joe Biden invited Arizona Senator Kirsten Cinema to speak in praise of the speech. On Thursday, the same Kirsten Cinema, in a few words, was buried in the Senate Gallery, a key electoral law that Joe Biden promised would protect access to the referendum for African-Americans against restrictions imposed by some conservative states in the south.

Attacks on Trump

This speech marks a turning point that Joe Biden wants to take: in two recent speeches, the President issued warnings about the unprecedented attraction to American democracy. He also launched unprecedented attacks on his predecessor, Donald Trump, and on the opposition in general.

Therefore, there is no hope of mobilizing Republican lawmakers to achieve the “super majority” of the required 60 votes in the Senate for this electoral reform program. So Democrats have devised a procedure to force a simple majority – 51 of the 51 votes they control against the opposition. But, like another moderate Democratic senator, Kirsten Cinema rejected the maneuver, denouncing the reform itself.

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The obligation to vaccinate in the private sector is challenging

The Supreme Court on Thursday Canceled the vaccine duty The president wanted to impose on big business. The White House has acknowledged that the threat of a new conflict in Ukraine has not been eliminated after a serious diplomatic standoff with Russia.

One black day in a disaster week, Joe Biden, reminded us that he had invested a year ago and made big promises with little room for maneuver.

His control over Congress hangs in the balance, and he must deal with the Supreme Court, which Donald Trump has made so conservative.

On the economic front, inflation is at its highest level since 1982. The United States has also surpassed the number of hospital admissions for Govt-19 disease, which is evacuating a new wave of supermarket cabinets that have faced a series of shortage problems from the start. Infectious.

Threat of interim failure

On Friday, North Korea conducted its third missile test of the year, and the United States imposed a provocative new sanctions.

What about the referendums that confirm the president’s strong unpopularity one after another? Most polls give a rating of about 42%.

“A project does not end in a year. We will continue to fight for every element, ”White House spokeswoman Jen Zhaki promised Friday, listing both the economy, the fight against epidemics and climate change, and the fight for civil rights.

But if Joe Biden has some weapons to fight, he also has less time. In the fall, he will face by-elections to the legislature, which has historically been difficult to come to power and could lose control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

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