Things to remember from Friday, June 3rd

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Friday, June 3, the 100th day of the conflict that…

Estonia: Government coalition collapses

Estonian Prime Minister Gajah Gallus on Friday (June 3) called for talks on the formation of…

The reversal of Biden meeting the Saudi prince during his visit to Riyadh

US President Joe Biden is scheduled to board an Air Force One flight on May 24,…

The royal family appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, cheering from the crowd

Find all of our live #JUBILE here 2:32 p.m. : The man who was in London…

At least four people have been killed in Tulsa, Oklahoma

One week after the shooting at the Rob School in Wolverhampton, Texas, another shooting occurred on…

Four days of celebrations for historic rule in England

On June 1, 2022 in London a man plays with a portrait of the Queen in…

Russian gas exports fell by 27.6% between January and May 2022 compared to 2021

Find all of our live #UKRAINE here 2:05 p.m. : 2pm, let’s create a new update…

Will many US rocket launchers announced in Ukraine be game changers?

Attention – The United States announced on Tuesday that it was sending several rocket launchers to…

A 9-year-old girl has survived an attack by a mountain lion

Attacks Puma Very rare. A 9-year-old girl camped in the northwestern state of Washington United StatesOne…

War in Ukraine: Former KGB agent says Vladimir Putin will be replaced by a sick man

Essential While Vladimir Putin’s health is fueling all rumors, former Russian spy Sergei Zirnov has speculated…